RSEA President, Gordon Smith, met with Andy Baird and some of the team who took part in the recent Andy Baird 4x4x48 Challenge.
Andy’s original plan to compete the challenge which consists of an individual running 4 miles every 4 hours for 48 hours was dealt a blow when he was diagnosed with a previously undiagnosed heart issue which meant he could not do the challenge himself.
Andy said “The 4x4x48 is regarded as the ultimate physical and mental challenge anyone can take part in. I was devastated when I spoke with my doctor and found out I would not be able to take part. When I told my friends and family they stepped up and volunteered to run a leg of the challenge, some were greedy and ran more than once.”
Gordon Smith – “As a keen runner myself it’s great that Andy was able to put together a challenge that encouraged physical fitness as well as raising money for two causes close to all our hearts, Erskine and Rangers Youth Development. Thanks go out to all of Andy’s friends who made the 4x4x48 happen and to all those who took part in the Fit for 55 events.”
Colin Stewart: Director of RYDC – “I can only imagine how tough a 4x4x48 challenge is both mentally and physically. It was a shame that Andy was ultimately unable to complete the challenge himself but without his volunteering in the first place together with the RSEA Fit for 55 events, the funds raised would not have taken place. I would like to pay a personal thank you to everyone who took part and helped to raise the valuable funds in support of both Erskine and the Rangers Youth Development Co. Well done everyone”
The 4x4x48 Challenge and the RSEA Fit for 55 events raised over £3,000.00 which was split between Erskine and The Rangers Youth Development Company with each benefitting by over £1,500.00.

What the runners thought;
Craig Thomson – “I was keen to get involved and test myself not being a runner and also doing it for a great cause. It was great to be part of the team that did it”
Martyn Ely – “I found the night time stages harder than I expected (midnight and 0400) as trying to get back to sleep whilst your heart it still pumping is difficult. Even the sheep I was trying to count were still running. But all in all a very enjoyable weekend and glad we were able to raise some money and make a difference”
Richard Bell – “Great weekend and well organised across various locations on a national level whilst raising money for important causes. After a very difficult 12- 18 months in the world, it was fantastic to be involved in something meaningful. Encouragement and support from all was immense and kept everyone going.”
Ally Gourlay – “I took up a slot for Andy, know how much it hurts him that he couldn’t participate. Fitness has been his life (after Rangers!) for the last few years and he would have loved to challenge himself in this way. I had to stop jogging in November 2020 due to being diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis. I was been taking anti-inflammatory pills for two months and had only done a couple runs in preparation. It was difficult push for me and since then the foot had stopped me doing any sports again but absolutely it was worth doing for Andy. I enjoyed the experience greatly, everyone in our WhatsApp group was friendly and supportive and I couldn’t imagine how difficult the night runs would be, hats off to those guys.”
Barry Hope – “I’m not necessarily a keen runner, however when I was asked to participate in the fundraising for a very worthwhile cause I was more than happy to dig out the old running trainers. A massive well done to everyone involved and to all who donated.”
William Maxwell – “I was devastated when Andy told me about the sudden change to his life. I will always there to help and support him.
After he informed me the charity event was going ahead and I would still be taking part with my midnight leg of the race I was well chuffed. Don’t get me wrong it was a hard old slog doing 4miles at midnight. Especially when you’re unfit and a tad heavy.
It was great to raise money for the charities and hopefully the money that got raised went a long way to helping others.”
Stevie Robertson – “I really enjoyed the challenge of the event, i was gutted when I found out that Andy couldn’t do it which made me more determind to help out. I enjoyed the ‘friendly competetive’ side of the event trying to beat the others times, even if I lost out on a technicality at the end 😂 well done to everyone for a great cause 👍”
Sophie – “I’m a casual jogger and hadn’t run any distance in a while. But when I heard that Andy was looking for folk to help run a leg, I knew that I would step up and give it a shot. Thankfully had a couple of weeks notice to get in some practice runs and ended up running a sub-50min which is a very good time for me. I’m glad I did it, and it spurred me on to get out a bit more often, even if only for short distances. Well done to the whole team – great effort!”
Jamie – “It may have only been 4 miles, but it was quite a personal challenge to run 2 miles let alone 4. So I was pleased to complete it and get a good time. It was great that we could chip in and do a run on Andy’s behalf.”
For more information on these two groups visit their websites at and
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