Welcome to the website of the Rangers Supporters Erskine Appeal

2024 pin badge coming soon

New Royal portrait by Helen B Runciman. Following on from her portrait of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, which raised tens of thousands of pounds for the RSEA, Helen has created a new painting featuring His Majesty King Charles III and the Royal Palaces. Prints of the painting will be on public sale from the 5th of March 2024.

RSEA President Gordon Smith unveiling the stunning bust of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II by Helen B Runciman at the 2023 Erskine Military Ball. The sculpture is a gift to Erskine from the RSEA.
For more information click here
Please feel free to browse our website and find out about the various fundraising events organised by ordinary Rangers fans that have raised over £900,000 £940,000 £950,000 £1,000,000, £1,100,000 £1,200,000 £1,300,000 £1,400,000 for Erskine over the last 14 years.
Use the navigation above to visit all of our pages and see if there is any way you can help raise more much needed funds for Erskine.
Glasgow 2019 Dinner
Over £25,000 raised at The Sherbrooke Castle Hotel

Visit our Glasgow Dinner page for more information
Visit our Shop
Visit our shop page to see the merchandise we have for sale. All profits go to Erskine. Check out our latest RSEA branded snoods
2023 Lawn Bowls Tournament

The 2023 Lawn Bowls Event was back at Partick Bowling Club. another great day was had by all and a fantastic sum raised for Erskoine. Visit our Lawn Bowls page for more information.
Forthcoming Events
RSEA Business Group
Mailing List
You may have heard about the new Data Protection laws coming in at the end of May 2018. We are completely rebuilding our mailing list and would ask all our supporters to signup to the new list so that we can comply fully with the GDPR legislation. More information at our Mailing list page
Social Media links

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